The Izba Tożsamości Ursusa is part of Culture Centre “Arsus” located in Ursus District of Warsaw. Culture Centre “Arsus” is council cultural institution, which is decision-making body with legal personality. Overriding the Law of 25 October 1991 on the organizing and running cultural activity (Dz. U. z 2001r. Nr 13, poz. 123 z późn. zm. ), the main arranger is Capital City of Warsaw. Supervision of Culture Centre “Arsus” is performed by city’s bodies. Mayors and the District Council are also responsible for supervision.
The Izba Tożsamości Ursusa is museum department of Culture Centre “Arsus”. Our main tasks:
1) collecting, documenting different objects
2) conservation and restoring items
3) storing objects in suitable climatic conditions;
4) publishing and organising exhibition and popular-science events
5) popularizing, promoting and educational activities
6) taking grants for development
7) cooperating with more academic and educational institutions
Find more in these documents: Charter of Culture Centre „Arsus”, Staff regulations